Whether you are a Group Home, Intermediate Care Facility (ICF), Medicaid, and Medicaid-Waiver provider, or Day Training Program (DTP), Applied Behavior Solutions has a proven track record of developing policies that are effective and representative of the industry. Policy authors will meet with you and your staff and get the necessary details surrounding your needs to formulate a policy consistent with current state and federal guidelines.
ABS uses only the best and most experienced authors available. This allows for efficiency and accuracy when creating your policy. You will get undivided attention and access to all of our resources, making ABS a comprehensive provider and leader in the field.
Policy construction, if done correctly, truly is an “art form”. Many components must be included to develop a good, legally sound policy. ABS is capable of combining the above-mentioned with policies that are reflective of your company, big or small. Small companies have different needs than larger entities. Don’t make the mistake of purchasing a policy that was created from a standard “template”. Most times, following an audit, you have to start over because the policy does not speak to your specific program and needs. If you are interested in policy construction that is catered to your company and done correctly the first time, you’ve come to the right place.
Rules, polices, and regulations are constructed and written with your specific states regulations and guidelines in mind, and when applicable, in accordance with DCF, APD and DELMARVA standards. Quality Improvement Plans (QIP), are formulated by professional policy writers, and can usually be submitted within 1 week of receipt.
Don’t forget ABS can create entire policy manuals, employee handbooks, and HR standards for your agency or company. No job is too big or small.
Please Note: This can be a timely process and may require multiple professionals. If you have any questions or anticipate the use of our authors, please submit your request in a timely manner. Send all the pertinent information, including existing policies to:
Suite #301, North Miami Beach,
Florida 33162